47 A, Kommunisticheskaya street, Ulan-Ude, Buryat Republic
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Location and directions
"Buryatia" Hotel is located in the heart of the city.
Address: 47 A, Kommunisticheskaya street, Ulan-Ude.
From the Airport to the hotel there are minibus routes #55, #77 or bus number 28, bus stop Soviet Square. Travel time - 20 min.
From the railway station to the hotel there are minibus route #36 to the bus stop Soviet Square. Trip duration - 5 min.
Address: 47 A, Kommunisticheskaya street, Ulan-Ude.
From the Airport to the hotel there are minibus routes #55, #77 or bus number 28, bus stop Soviet Square. Travel time - 20 min.
From the railway station to the hotel there are minibus route #36 to the bus stop Soviet Square. Trip duration - 5 min.